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We partner with the world’s leading technology firms by providing audit and worker engagement solutions in all major manufacturing markets including China, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Thailand, the United States and others.

ELEVATE is one of nine approved Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) audit partners. RBA is the largest industry coalition dedicated to electronics supply chain responsibility.

Between 2014-2016 we conducted thousands of social and environmental assessments for electronics firms that impacted the lives of millions of workers. ELEVATE has also worked closely with the IDH Electronics Program, an initiative in partnership with Dell, HP, Philips, Apple, Nokia and other organizations, to improve the working conditions and environmental performance of electronics factories in China.

“The leading and most progressive technology companies today are making social and environmental policies part of their business strategies. We partner with them to achieve a balanced approach to both their commercial and social responsibilities.” – Melissa Caraher, Customer Team