Webinar – Factory Ownership: A journey to proactive social responsibility

  • May 29, 2019

When factories own their social compliance performance, they improve their efficiency, effectiveness and strategic relationships.

Brands and retailers are increasingly accepting third-party multi-stakeholder initiative (MSI) audit reports from factories, which are paid for and owned by the factories themselves. It’s hoped that there is a reduction in audit duplication and cost, and that factories have begun to own their own social compliance performance.

What’s next in their journey to proactive social responsibility and program effectiveness? More factory ownership, of course, which incorporates their audit performance history, performance trend analysis, action plans, and worker engagement initiatives such as helplines and surveys.

How can the factory journey be accelerated while also easing their cost of ownership? Emerging platforms, tools and data analytics will streamline factory access to improvement mechanisms, factory dashboards, reporting and factory scoring to drive performance enhancement.’


About ELEVATE - Our People - Jim Leung

Private: Jim Leung

Vice President, Programs, ELEVATE

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