Michelle Brown
The University of Hong Kong

Michelle has over 10 years of experience in Asia working with international development agencies and with business on partnerships for development.

She has held professional posts within international development agencies in mainland China and in Vietnam and has and also worked as a consultant, advisor and trainer for numerous companies and organisations such as CLP, the adidas-Group, PepsiCo, CARE, the Asian Development Bank, the Red Cross and Oxfam. She returned to Asia in 2003 after spending some time back in Canada working as a business analyst for a multinational pharmaceutical company in Canada and then for a multi-stakeholder corporate citizenship initiative in Canada from 2001-2003.

Her particular areas of expertise are around strategic community investment and engagement, impact assessment and base of the pyramid approaches although she has also worked with companies on other aspects of CSR and sustainability.

Michelle is a PhD candidate at the University of Hong Kong focusing on the links between CSR and poverty.
