Collaborative Strategies to Positively Impact Mental Health in Asia

An estimated one in two people will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, and around one in five working-age adults suffer from mental ill-health at any given time.[1] The cost of poor mental health provision is borne not only by those living with mental illness and their carers, but also by public and private sectors, impacting employee productivity and burdening public health services.  The economic cost is severe. In India and China alone, mental health issues are projected to reduce economic growth by more than $11 trillion by 2030.[2]

Governments across Asia Pacific are taking notice, but data, access to care and stigma remain primary obstacles to progress. Uncertainty surrounding how best to tackle these challenges may hinder private sector action. Therefore, cross-sector, multi-stakeholder collaboration could be key to overcoming these obstacles and working towards patient-focussed, community-based, integrated service provision.

This session (sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Pte. Ltd.) shines a light on the burden of mental health in Asia and explores opportunities to work together to positively impact mental health service gaps.

[1] OECD. Health at a Glance (2017)

[2] David Bloom et al. The Economic Impact of Non-communicable Disease in China and India: Estimates, Projections, and Comparisons. Harvard Program on the Global Demography of Aging Working Paper 107 (2013)