Christine Chow

Christine Chow

Director, Hermes Investment Management

Dr Christine Chow has 21 years of experience in portfolio management, research and investment consulting. Christine’s PhD thesis on shareholder engagement for responsible investment was short-listed for a United Nations award in Sweden for industry relevance and academic excellence.  She leads engagements in Asia and manages a team of analysts and associates. As the lead of the technology sector, she also covers large US technology companies, such as Apple and Google.

Christine is an elected member of the Court of Governors of the London School of Economics (LSE) and a member of the School’s Investment Sub-Committee.  She was an adjunct professor in the Department of Finance at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, responsible for putting together and teaching the first tri-sector (government, private family office and university) MBA elective course on social innovation and impact investment.  She was a member of the Greater China Committee of the Hong Kong Retirement Funds Association (2014-2016) and a visiting scholar at the University of St Andrews in Scotland (2012 – 2013).

Christine has worked at a number of multinational corporations such as Merrill Lynch, Schroders and Hewitt. In the 1990s, she was responsible for establishing strategic partnerships in fund management for the Schroders Group, especially in Mainland China.  Christine is a graduate of the London School of Economics and the University of Melbourne. She completed an executive education course on financial engineering at Stanford University.


周博士拥有21年在金融投资方面的经验。她对负责任投资充满热情,深入研究,用余暇的时间攻读了博士学位。她的博士論文是 2011 年聯合國 PRI / MISTRA國際獎項入围候选者之一。 目前,她是英國倫敦政治經濟學院 (LSE)监理會和投资委員會的成員。她曾昰香港科技大学金融部的兼任副教授,也是香港退休基金協會中國委員會的成員 (2014-2016)和苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的访问学者 (2012-2013)。 周博士曾任职于美林证券,英國施羅德集团和美国怡安翰威特等跨國公司。在九十年代,她为施羅德中外合資企業搜寻合作夥伴方面做了大量的諮詢和筹备工作。周博士是英國倫敦政治經濟學院和澳洲墨爾本大學的畢業生,并攻读了美国斯坦福大学金融工程的研究生课程。