Beth Holzman

Director Supply Chain & Human Rights

Beth is a leader within ELEVATE’s Supply Chain Consulting team and is based in Utah, USA. She engages with global companies on responsible sourcing program design, due diligence, risk and segmentation analysis, program effectiveness, and stakeholder engagement.

Beth joined ELEVATE as part of the Laborlink acquisition in 2017. Laborlink is a mobile technology platform that captures insights directly and anonymously from supply chain workers. In this role, she managed relationships with global brands and retailers using technology to better understand working conditions, worker empowerment, and forced labor risks. She also oversaw program implementation, data analysis, and global teams in 16 countries. Beth recently led ELEVATE’s development of the Integrated Assessment + Worker Survey service.

Previously, Beth was an Advisor at Shift and managed Timberland’s corporate responsibility strategy. She has worked with dozens of companies in the consumer products, electronics, and mining sectors to devise human rights strategies and data-driven buy-in for sustainability initiatives. Beth has also convened multi-stakeholder engagements with institutional investors, public interest groups, issue experts, and labor groups.