A practical guide to Double Materiality: What it is and its key role in CSRD / ESRS compliance

  • October 10, 2023

Please note: this webinar is in English.

A practical guide to Double Materiality: What it is and its key role in CSRD / ESRS compliance

A Double Materiality assessment evaluates a company’s impacts on its broader societal and environmental context, as well as the effects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors on the company’s financial performance.

It’s essential that you understand the concept and know how to apply it as a Double Materiality assessment is the first step to ensuring compliance with the European Union’s new CSRD/ESRS reporting requirements.

The assessment can be aligned with other mandatory and voluntary non-financial disclosure standards such as IFRS, UNGC COP and GRI.

Your hosts, Alexandra Sauer (Director, Sustainability Consulting) Julia Graber (Senior Consultant, Sustainability & Disclosure) and Mario Wernly (Senior Consultant, Sustainability Consulting) will lead you through:

  • Current requirements for conducting a Double Materiality assessment
  • Materiality approach of IFRS S1, GRI 3 and CSRD/ESRS
  • Step-by-step approach to Double Materiality assessment
  • Learnings from LRQA case studies

LRQA has extensive experience in conducting assessments that are already aligned with the recently released draft guidelines from EFRAG. So, don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the experts.

After watching you will have a solid understanding of Double Materiality and how it is aligned with different non-financial reporting standards. You will get an overview of the requirements set out by EFRAG and start to develop the confidence to address them.

There is also an informative question and answer session at the end.