ESG Trends Report: 10 Themes Shaping Supply Chains in 2023

Is your supply chain program prepared for the upcoming year? 2022 exposed major gaps in responsible sourcing programs and forced us as an industry to reevaluate how we navigate new challenges ahead.

Our Trends Report highlights the vital learnings from the past year, insights from our EiQ supply chain intelligence platform, and how we can use them to revolutionize our current programs. Some key focuses include:

  • Navigating responsible sourcing from regions with political instability and civil unrest
  • Adapting to changing supply chain operations in China due to Covid-19 challenges
  • Expanding emissions tracking to stay ahead of increasing climate change implications

While recent events have emphasized the need for fast action and created an uncertain landscape, we believe this opens the door for immense opportunity to pave the way for modeling a robust, data-driven program.

Download our full report here to feel empowered in the upcoming year and implement effective action to mitigate future supply chain risk. For further information, contact us here.